
Friday, February 4, 2011

Better Late Than Never

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So, Little Man, you turned ONE a month ago, but I figured I should put your twelve month pictures and update on here so I will have it to remember.

  • You got rid of your bottle and are LOVING whole milk.  You would drink a gallon a day if I would let you.
  • You are not very picky when it comes to food and you will pretty much eat anything.
  • You say Momma, Dada, Ball, Dank Do (Thank You), Bye, Hey, and we are still working on Bubba. 
  • You are so smart, you point out things when I ask you a question.
  • You are running around everywhere!
  • You like the toilet and to throw things in it and put your hands in it, which is disgusting!
  • You weighed 19 lbs. 9 oz. and were 29 inches long at your one year check up (smaller than we thought).
  • You still where size 3 diapers and 12-18 month clothes (a few 6-12 still fit).
  • You can’t seem to fight off a cold.  You have been on eye and ear drops all month.
  • You had MRSA in your toe, but luckily we caught it early and Dr. Bill was able to treat it and get rid of it.
  • You still only have 4 teeth (slow like your Momma in that department).

We love you so much and you are such a sweet, loving toddler (aww, I want to say baby still).  You will always be my baby.  I can’t wait to see what this next year has in store as you grow more and more.

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I love you Little Man!!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yeah I Know

It has been a while, life keeps me busy these days.  I started a new job in mid December so it has been a big transition for me.  Of course I have still taken a gazillion pictures of my precious boys and I figure that is all anyone wants to see anyway rather than me rambling.  So, how about I just show a few (using that word loosely, here) pictures of our past month. 

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I know that was a lot!  I will try to do better, but I can’t make any promises.  If I only get here once a month to just post pictures than that’s okay because it is my blog and I can do what I want with it.  HA!  It is sleeting/snowing here AGAIN, I am so ready for spring!
